August 16, 2017Application Technique : BL Exhaust CoatTech : BLExhaust Coat5598 viewsThere is no need to dilute it. Apply the primer color, final coat heat resistant clear, and paint un...00Read More
August 16, 2017Application Technique : #039 GlossWell New Function CoatTech : #039 GlossWell5452 viewsThis is information on how to apply the #039 GlossWell PRO: New Function Coating. Perfect applicatio...00Read More
August 16, 2017Application Technique : ND9Tech : ND94569 viewsApplication Technique : ND9 Released by a development laboratory that specializes in special hybrid ...00Read More
August 16, 2017BL Silver Coat RTBL Silver Coat RT11372 viewsBL Silver Coat RT was developed by blending different techniques from a conventional silver mirror c...01Read More
August 16, 2017BL Gold CoatBL Gold Coat8854 viewsUsing unique research institute nanotechnology, we have finally achieved 100% pure K24. That is, we ...01Read More
August 16, 2017BL Exhaust CoatBL Exhaust Coat7372 viewsUntil this moment, it did not mater the technology used, in reality it was not possible to have a gl...00Read More
August 16, 2017ND9 : Tire CoatND910372 viewsND9 This conception called polymer bonding. It forms a hybrid hardened coating on tire surfaces and ...00Read More
August 16, 2017#039 GlossWell PRO : New Function Coat#039 GlossWell Pro5621 viewsBy utilizing the extremely high intermolecular energy of siloxane bonds, the highly pure Hybrid Coat...00Read More