[ BL silver coat RT ] : How to set up  spray gun


It’s possible to make EXTREMELY SILVER !! with BL silver coat RT

As you can see my yesterday’s blog I want to share you about my technical skill and work process with this “BL silver coat RT” which has a real ability and full swing you could do it. I spent a year to get master skill. To go straight to the point is you can do  great work with this liquids  that become a real silver, extremely SILVER! It’s possible for sure.

BL silver coat RT

A hint. It was in places that closer than I’d expected. Tip of the dropper.

It was the biginning of November 2018. I had complete hopelessness feel it was not great work I expected. But the little dropper caught my eye during cleans up after work which use for the liquid to sucked up. The tip was glossy and looks like a real plating.

“What’s happened ???”  I though of for a while…

It was dipped several time for sucked up this silver liquid and it’s got air dry naturally. I just had a flash!! if a surface goes dipping into liquid it should do the trick.

As the below some of pictures I used Harley Davidson’s parts for verify to my supeclation. I tried dipped some parts and natural air dry after that It looks completely plate I recognised.

Silver coating : How to set up air spray gun

You should be prepare a  spray gun when you will coat to the surface as you know. In other words, spray gun will setting successful manually, I don’t need dipped anymore It my theory. I settled on the following settings on February this year. It was enough time to master skills and developed work flow. But I confirmed that my theory is right and I verified to all of them. I was so happy and dance for JOY!

Anyways, if you going to follow this setting you are a sure hit!  Anyone never miss! 

Silver Coat : Air spray gun basic set up 

[ Setting Air Spray Gun ]
Pattern : Full throttle
Discharge : 1-1/4 return rotation 
Air pressure : 0.2 Mpa
Position on Spray gun : 15-20cm

[ Dilution ratio ]
Silver : Thinner = 1 : 1.6

[ Spray gun ]
Maker : DeVILBISS/ JGX-502-143FX-G
Nozzle : 1.1mm

As I mentioned the above JGX-502-143FX-G DeVILBISS   it is not the best instead. Reason I purchased DeVILBISS  it’s can choose small nozzle and very flexible pattern has. It’s suitable for my work I suppose. I recommend that Aim for better outcome to use small nozzle.  I tried 1.4mm nozzle to use but it worked  without any problem.

Cautionary points

These setting for a 25cm dish. Of course it should be change depend on the situation. But I want to reach as many people as possible thus I setting of pattern is fully open.  First, you are going to start with this setting. You can see what beautiful plate is.

Next thing is  very important  “ Speed ”  If you use the too much liquids accordingly uneven finish. It is very difficult to finish with stable look. The thinner and each component is the solution will evaporate because “BL silver coat RT” is low viscosity  like a water. Ooze out, a blur of surface will show up. One more thing, when you painting done try quick as a flash blowing off each thinner etc. 

I prepared my work Video as I attached

It’s video for guide of my whole process I want to share you. Speed move the spray,  Air blow; to be able to figure out the right timing.

It video took on mid of February. Temperature around 3-5c or so.  I was in outside. Nevertheless it succeeded to blew off these thinner and component in a short time. If you could these process very quick as flash  you can get great results with “BL silver coat RT”  Let you tell one more I recommend thermal control  including on your work place.


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BL silver coat RT


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